Monday, June 22, 2009

opening doors

It's been a challenging few weeks for the Brand Family, but we feel good and we are truckin' through life with our heads high! Our family recently made the very difficult decision to take Sam out of the school we know and absolutely love. This was carefully thought out, and although we have been very sad to do it, we felt as though it was the best financial decision for our family at this time. With the help of Megan, who watches Natalie, my parents, and my sister-in-law Krystal to help with the girls this summer, it was a decision we felt we could not afford to not make at this time. We still have to figure out where we will send Samantha this fall, as Megan will not have space in her daycare to also care for Sam... but we will just have to see where the road takes us as we go. The school was amazing in taking our news and supporting us in any way they could, and we are so thankful for everyone there!!!

We know that many of the tough decisions we have been making lately will put our family in a better position to allow more joy and less worry into our household. *Life closes one door, God opens another.* It's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but we feel confident the decisions we are making are the right ones.

Speaking of joy...let's talk about some good stuff going on in the Brand Family!

Daddy and Sammi like to explore new things around the studio grounds. :)
Sammi likes to ride her bike around the parking lot!
My dad earned a silver medal (100m dash) and bronze (50m dash) in the recent regional Senior Games! We'll do a whole post on that soon. These photos are of Sammi and mommy the night before making signs to cheer on "Crappa" in the Senior Games!

Steve and Krystal are always so thoughtful and giving! They had tickets to an Indianapolis Indians game and they not only invited us to come with them, but they cooked us a steak dinner before going to the park! Thanks so much, Steve & Krystal, for giving us such a fun night out!!! We love you!!!
Sam had fun "scaring" Krystal with the bug!
Natalie had a good time too! (Actually, she didn't really, and we had to leave early....sorry, S & K!!! I think the noise was too much for her.)

We dedicated the girls at church last weekend. It was so special and so meaningful, and we are so grateful to be involved with a church and pastor that we love. I didn't get photos of the dedication, but a friend of ours took photos and as soon as I get them I will post them! Sam was trying to get off the stage and Natalie threw up down the front of my dress as soon as we walked up front so it was a bit of a challenge to stay in the moment, but very special anyway!

We had a brunch at our studio afterward for our family and friends from church. Thanks so much to both of our parents for making and bringing all the food!!!

Sam and Natalie got special presents from some of my parents' friends. It was such a gift to have everyone there with us. Thanks to everyone for coming into town and spending the day with us!
The best dad in the world!!! Happy Father's Day, Danny!!!!
Samantha's last day at school. There were lots and lots of tears by me, by the teachers, and by the owner when I picked her up on Friday for the last time. We will miss you greatly, Primrose! We hope to see you again and we are so grateful for taking care of, teaching, supporting, and loving our Sammi over the last year and a half!!!