Wednesday, February 25, 2009

mom of two earns D- at school

I have no photos for this post, but I do have my first humorous story of taking the two girls out by myself! I have taken both girls back and forth to work and home and have had them both my myself at either of those places, but nowhere else, until today.

Dan wanted to work out at the gym after work (go, Dan!) so I agreed to pick up Samantha from school with Natalie. I walked into school and there was no one up front on this particular day, so I took Natalie (in her car seat) with me to Sam's class. 

When I first opened the door, Sam immediately got the normal huge grin on her face. Then one second later she realized I was holding Natalie. And she started crying. Without even thinking I immediately sat the car seat on the floor so that I could pick Samantha up. While trying to hold her and comfort her, get all of her artwork and report card out of her cubby, and pull her blanket out of her backpack--which was caught in the zipper---I hadn't noticed that all of the two year olds with their germ-infested hands started surrounding the baby on the floor trying to put their grubby little fingers on her!!! Ah!!!! She's only 6 weeks old!!! (Don't get me wrong---the kids in her class are wonderful, but ALL toddlers in ALL schools are just, well, germy!) A teacher immediately ran over to make sure none of them touched her while they were admiring her. 

It must have been a sight to see me trying to lift the car seat with one arm while holding Sam in the other. Luckily, Sam agreed to walk down the hall to the front door. We walked outside into the parking lot and Sam decided she was not going to hold my hand (which is our rule when walking outside). She started to dart out into the parking lot and I lunged for her. I tried to grab her arm but all I got was her coat, which slipped right off of her with the exception of her neck because it was buttoned there. I all but dropped the baby on the ground, along with the backpack, blanket, and paperwork. So, here we toddler is trying with all her might to run straight into traffic while I am yelling at her and pulling like tug-of-war on her coat, which is fastened around her neck only, while my baby is sitting in her car seat, alone, in the middle of the sidewalk!!!!! 

A teacher from school walked out at that moment and said "Oh honey, you have your hands full! Let me help you with that!" Bless her heart.....she stood with Natalie and our stuff, encouraging me by telling me how she can tell I am a good mom (ha!), while I re-dressed Sam and tossed her in her car seat, half-buckled her just to keep her in place so that I could relieve the teacher of helping me! I then put Natalie in the car on the other side and came around to snap Sammi in the rest of the way. I would have forgotten her backpack, blanket, and paperwork all together if the teacher wouldn't have calmly and sweetly asked me if I'd like her to put it in my car as I was getting myself buckled in!

Oh boy. Or should I say, "Oh girls!" Will it get easier or harder as they get older............??????????????????????? Fun times!!!

p.s. The title was supposed to be funny....and I didn't give myself an F because they are both still alive...although I'm not sure exactly what I could have done differently to earn a better grade!!!! :)


Mama J said...

You're an A+++ mommy! Some days are just harder than others! xoxo

april wason said...

Oh Brooke, you are an AMAZING Mom! And trust me I have plenty of bad mommy moments like the time Kel was trying to stick a care key in an electrical socket while I was meeting my soon to be boss... Heck, I even had one today at the beauty salon. D-... that is funny. And yes I fully remember picking Caleb up from school and all these first graders crowding around trying to touch.

Katie said...

I've been there Brooke- and yes it does get better. Good for you for being brave though and taking them both out!