Friday, February 27, 2009

smiling, jumping, and reaching

It's so hard to get a photo of Natalie smiling because she does it so fast! But, she has been giving us more and more cute little grins lately!

Samantha has learned a new way of jumping and it's so funny to watch her! I really, really need to look into a gymnastics class for her!

jump in the air....
and land on your bottom!!!!
Hey, it's never too early to work on sitting up! :)
Natalie has started becoming interested in looking at and reaching for what is around her. Hanging a toy above her will keep her interest for a long time! Today she kept reaching for this ladybug. 
This is the second time ever Sam actually posed for a photo for me and said "cheese!", so I had to put it in!
Daddy taking Sam to read 3 books before bed... Goodnight!
Natalie sported her "Baby Legs for the first time tonight! She is a little small for them, but who cares! They're cute and they keep her warm!
This week flew by! I'm not sure where it went! We hope you have a good weekend!!!!!!

1 comment:

Baby Gaudin said...

Cute photos :) Love & hugs to you all! xoxo