Thursday, May 15, 2008

nutrigrain bar

I love yogurt Nutrigrain Bars!

Samantha has become QUITE the picky eater over the last two months! I don't really know how it happened. I guess she just became a toddler and we became less worried about always making sure her food is perfectly wholesome! Excuses, excuses, but it seems as though you start feeding them ANYTHING they will eat when they don't feel well, then of course it's hard to go back to healthy food once they've had mac n cheese! Sam's 7 ear infections in 5 months have not helped this eating situation. We're seeing a specialist in a week for her ears and also working day by day on the food choices.

She used to eat everything. Grilled chicken, lean meats, avocado, vegetables, fruits, healthy whatever! she had her choice she would eat crackers and cereal all day. BUT--instead she eats crackers and cereal a little each day and almost nothing else. If she doesn't eat her dinner, we put it away. When she's hungry, we get it back out. She usually goes to bed without eating. She does drink milk, which I worry will eventually take over all of her meals so we're trying to be careful.

Here are the latest photos I have of her. A little gross, watching a toddler eat a Nutrigrain bar, I know, but they are the most updated photos I have. :) She has been growing so fast...I wanted you to see how big she is!

As you can see, I slobber a LOT. Mom blames it on all the molars coming in. I have four teeth on top, four on bottom, and four molars coming in (at least)!

My hair is getting longer too. Mom and dad don't quite know what to do with it. They want it to grow but it's always kind of a mess!

I know how to say "Uh oh" when I drop something on the floor! I am learning to say a lot of words, although none of them are totally clear yet!

1 comment:

terrapinapril said...

She is ADORABLE!!! I totally understand your frustration/confusion/concern about Sammi's eating habits. Keller does that to me too. One day she loves something, the next day she turns her nose up at it. Welcome to parenthood! Don't worry too much about it though. They eat when they are hungry. Love you guys!