Tuesday, May 27, 2008

signs, chalk, and mushrooms

Samantha signing "daddy".
This photo is of Sammi signing the word "dad" (while saying dada) after I mentioned that "Dad would be home from work soon". Thanks to her school, Primrose, she has learned how to sign SO MANY words! It is an understatement to say that her learning sign language has been a significant leap in our communication and has minimized frustration tremendously! She is also learning to say words now, which is amazing to hear and so fun to see her learn!

Words Sammi can sign: mommy, daddy, please, thank you, love, ball, play, milk, cracker, eat, drink, water, night night, baby, cereal, blanket, bath

Words Sammi is saying (at least, we understand!): mama, dada, baby, ball, duck, milk, book, shoes, socks, blue, stairs, up, thank you, ready, good girl, dog, wow, wee, uh oh (She can also make animal sounds when you ask her, "What does a _____ say?" She knows woof woof, quack quack, moo, meow, baaah, roar, and makes a fish face too!)

I picked up Samantha from Joe and Lisa's after work today and after a quick dinner, we decided to go out and use our sidewalk chalk for the first time. Sam LOVED it! In fact, she got really upset when we had to pack up because it started to rain!

If you haven't heard of morel mushrooms, YOU SHOULD LEARN! They are sold in grocery stores for upwards of $20 per pound. Dan's dad, Orlie, went mushroom hunting in Minnesota last week and came home with 15 POUNDS of mushrooms! Holy cow---they are SOOOOOO GOOD! Orlie was nice enough to send some to us and we've been rationing them out each night to savor them! Here is Dan making our last batch tonight. :(

Toss them in a little flour...

Fry 'em up with a little oil! YUM!


Jennifer, Eric, Isaiah, and Noah Heuer said...

I am SO coveting your mushrooms right now! I LOVE MORELS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yum!!! caleb loves to hunt for morels, but refuses to eat them! All the more for us.