Friday, August 22, 2008

19 week update

I'm almost 19 weeks so I'm doing a 19 week update. :) This week flew by; I'm not sure where it went! It was an emotional week for me. Not because anything happened. My hormones just decided to get the best of me for a few days. It's embarrassing and frustrating to be sad and not have any good reason to be...but I've been feeling much better and hope that I will continue to feel normal the rest of my pregnancy!

It's already harder for me to get around an do things; my belly is growing, growing, growing. I get tired easily, haven't slept very well, and am always starving! Otherwise, I am feeling pretty good. I have to be super careful because I had lots of problems with my gallbladder with my first pregnancy, and the doctor says it's very likely I will have problems again so I have to watch what I eat. That's really hard because I am always so hungry and craving bad-for-you foods!!!

I have felt a little more of the baby from time to time, pushing against my belly, but not too much yet. I'm excited to really start feeling the kicking! My nausea has gotten so much better this week. Sometimes I still get a little dizzy and woozy, but most of the time I've been feeling so much better than before. That is GOOD NEWS!!!! :)

I'm off to watch a movie with my hubby and get some rest before a kickin' wedding tomorrow...we'll be updating you all very soon (4 DAYS!) with the news of our little one being a girl or boy!!!!!

Love & hugs!


Erin said...

i found your site from your facebook. congrats on your pregnancy with #2! how fun that you'll be finding out tomorrow- yeah! we are due in 4 weeks. i cannot believe it. i am so ready to meet this little girl!!!! i cannot wait to put a face to the kickboxer inside of me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Brooke and Dan!
We're SO excited for you--two little darling girls!! Just ask Neal, or Jerry, Ed or Mark or John about living in a house with all women! I'm sure they'll tell you it's divine.
Brooke, I don't know how you keep going while not feeling well. Of course, Sammie provides that motivation. Any names yet?
Congratulations and love,