Thursday, July 9, 2009

brand family reunion

Last weekend was the Annual Brand Family Reunion in Fort Wayne! The reunion always includes Dan's dad, Orlie, his four brothers, two sisters, their children, and their children's children. :) And grandma of course! There were 56 people (not including little kids) there this year and it was great, as usual! The family game (played every year and whoever wins plans the next year's game) was Family Feud, played in rounds, and it was soooo much fun! Autumn and Leslie did an awesome job putting it together! 

We started our trip using Sam's child-safe headphones. I love that she can watch a movie while we talk and listen to our own music during a trip!
We stayed with Dan's sister and her family (THANKS JEN & SCOTT) and we all had a blast together, including the kids! Brad (5) was especially sweet to Natalie & gave her kisses all weekend. She was a little unsure of him holding her! Ha! :)
This year's reunion was very laid back and relaxing. We spent most of our time at the homes of the family members who live in Fort Wayne, just talking and eating. And eating. And eating.

Sammi played Connect 4 with her uncles and grandpa.
We were SO excited for Sammi and Chloe to finally meet! They are just a few months apart and Chloe lives in Texas so we don't get to see her often. (Their parents are cousins... whatever that makes them!) We were trying to get them to show off their BRAND PHOTODESIGN tattoos for this photo. :)
As always, the food was amazing everywhere we went. Such good cooks, bakers, and orderers in our family!!! :) Aunt Vi made these beautiful cookies from scratch as favors from the event at her house...
Needless to say, they were as delicious as they were pretty and Sammi agreed!
Thanks to all of the family that organized the reunion and game, to Jen and Scott for hosting us, and especially to all the family that came into town to visit!!!!!

Dan and I were put in charge of the planning of next year's destination reunion (every 4 years it's at a destination outside of Fort Wayne). After many months of research, travel agents, internet surfing, and talking with friends, we have decided to make the destination Nashville, Indiana in Brown County! We are soooo excited to get the planning complete and plan to visit Brown County soon to wrap up the plans. We can't wait! 

1 comment:

april wason said...

So much fun! I love hearing about the Brand family gatherings.

Umm, if you visit Brown county... could you swing a visit to b-town?

love to you all!