Tuesday, July 28, 2009

potty training and/with friends

A week ago, Dan and I had a three-day weekend home with the girls, so we decided to really give potty training a GO! It was an accumulation of hours and hours and hours on the potty, off the potty, on the potty, off the potty, I want a diaper, I want the potty, I want big girl underwear, I want a diaper, I want a pull-up..... After two #2s on the floor, lots of cleaning up #1s, NO pottying in the actual potty, I decided I wasn't ready for any more potty training!!! 

Here are some photos of our potty training journey that weekend...

Sam LOVES her Dora potty! She likes it much better than the little ones that sit on the floor. We spent a LOT of time sitting on the Dora potty & earning stickers for "trying"!

On Saturday we went to visit our friends, Brian, Shannon, and Hailey in their new house for dinner. I didn't feel like we could risk any accidents in their new house so Sammi wore a diaper, but she and Hailey (who's much younger and much better at it) encouraged each other and liked sitting on their potties together!

Every time Hailey wanted to sit on the potty, she made Sammi do it too! What a good influence! :)

Shannon is an amazing mom and ran around with the girls all night!

Sammi and Hailey became quite the good friends! They had a great time exploring the HUGE basement full of toys!!!

By Sunday night I had given up on the potty training with Sam and we headed over to see our good friends across the street for dinner, Joe, Lisa & Reece! We always have so much fun together & love spending time together. Joe and Lisa had sparklers that Reece and Sam loved playing with!

They got good at "drawing" in the air.

They always have a good time going down the slide together too!

Inside, we stayed up waaaay too late gabbing about life while the kids played. Reece was having a great time playing with Natalie, who is always the great observer! He was showing her how to clap, which she has gotten really good at this week!

This past weekend we headed to Fort Wayne to spend some time with our family. (We also had an engagement shoot, which was the perfect excuse to visit!) It was a long, relaxing, wonderful weekend!!!

Sammi loved to run around the pool in her swimsuit and floaties, but she rarely got in the pool. Several times we talked her into it, but she was ready to get back out after only a few minutes. 

Natalie enjoyed the pool over July 4 weekend, but she was a little unsure this weekend! :)

If you ever want to know how much liquid a regular diaper can hold, put one in a pool! It gets hilariously BIG!!!

Dan and I had so much fun relaxing in the sun that we stayed in the pool and played for 2 hours together after the kids got out!!!! Fun times. :)

Sam always loves playing with her cousins, Brad and Ryan. (This is Ryan.)

Kathe cooks a huge fabulous dinner every Sunday, and Sammi was quite the helper this weekend! Here she is washing the potatoes! 
Soooooo, the potty training wasn't really a success, but our friends and family always are!!!! :) Love you all!!!

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