Friday, July 10, 2009

i'm washing my hands, mommy

Several months ago we got Sam this step stool so that she can wash her hands before each meal without us picking her up. Well, one morning this week I came downstairs to {the above picture}, water completely pouring over the sides of the sink flooding the floor, and half of the bottle of hand soap now turned into bubbles, covering every wall of the bathroom, the step stool, Sam, and the mirror. When I saw her and gasped, she proudly said "I'm washing my hands, mommy!" I couldn't even scold her. I just laughed.

Sam not only loves her step stool for hand-washing, but it allows her to do more "adult things" around the house, which she loves! She LOVES helping to make breakfast. She mixes our omelets together while I add vegetables and all the mixings to them in the morning! She's my little helper!

Sprinkling cheese on (her idea). :)

Sam has also become quite the big sister! She loves to include Natalie when playing. I nestled Natalie down in this bean bag because I knew she wouldn't flip out one eve and the next thing I know, Sam is pulling her around the house "giving her a ride!" She loves to hold her hand and "jump" on the bed together (obviously we have to "help" Natalie jump!) She also loves to make her laugh, which Natalie does, because she is fascinated with her big sister! Brings joy to mama's heart!

She LOVES to feed her sister baby food too!

Natalie has blossomed into quite the happy little babe! She has two teeth now that have popped through, so she chews on everything. She loves watching and "playing with" her sister. She laughs a lot and just always seems to be so content! 

We grilled out at my parents' house tonight and Sam had such a fun night watering the flowers and US!!! She also made a trip to the splash park with Megan today, so she had a fun water day!!!

She was DRENCHED by the time we left!

Dan recruited my dad to play catch with him after he wore me out with his fierce pitching!

We also walked across the street to watch the ducks at the lake. How fun! Thanks mom & dad for a fun dinner tonight!!!
What a week! We have a very laid back weekend ahead and I'm so excited to hang out with my hubby & little gals!!!

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