Friday, July 10, 2009

the good, the bad, and the furry

A studio update by Dan...

We've had a lot going on at the ol' studio lately! We have been trying to get the studio together so we can finally have that open house we have been teasing everyone with. We've had so much help from our dads, shelf building, hook hanging, lawn mowing etc. It's great to have such handy people around to use as free labor!!

Unfortunately, with every step forward, we seem to take a step or two back. Our beautiful bamboo floor that we proudly laid ourselves is buckling and floating in the hallway. Apparently it is not sticking to the concrete. I finally got fed up with dealing with the "fun house floor" at the entrance that I ripped out a section last night. Once we finalize things with the insurance company I will rip out the rest. Anyone looking to get out some pent-up aggression let me know. It is very therapeutic to rip this stuff out! Hopefully we can get the floor prepped and ready for round two soon!

before the buckling...
our poor floor...

the aftermath...

We had a cute little mascot for a day on Tuesday. This little baby bunny took shelter from the heat on our porch. His name is Squishy I think.

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