Monday, October 5, 2009

natalie is an eater!!!

My little baby is eating real food!!! It's pretty crazy - I remember always being SO cautious with Sam, but Natalie has been eating so many foods! She can't have nuts, honey, or shellfish due to potential allergies, but otherwise -- if she can mash it in her gums, she can eat it! She doesn't choke nearly as much as Sam did.

And she LOVES food! I made mac n cheese for Sam last week (who to this day hardly ever eats) and she didn't want it, so Natalie ate almost the entire bowl! I think Natalie eats enough for them both!

Here are some of the foods she's eaten so far (all cut into small bites):

-grilled chicken, ground beef, turkey, ham, hot dog (not my first choice for health but was the only option at the farm), cheese, bread, pasta, chicken casserole

-strawberries, pears, peaches, mandarin oranges, bananas, grapes, tomatoes, pineapple

-green beans, peas, corn, potatoes, (sweet potatoes she does not like), bell peppers, olives, mushrooms

-cheerios (could probably eat an entire box in a sitting if I let her), ritz crackers, yogurt bites, biter biscuits, and I'm pretty sure Sam has snuck her fruit loops and coco puffs!

The only other thing I'm trying to stay away from is sweets. The girl eats enough as it is -- and I'd like to make her birthday cake the first real dessert she has! It's so nice to let her feed herself -- but it sure is a mess to clean up! :) What a big girl!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love it! Daniel and Phil are the same way- Phil sustains himself on, like, one cracker and a bite of apple a day and Daniel eats adult size portions of food and cleans up Phil's leftovers :) Natalie has some skills eating all those new foods, and it's great because you don't have to buy much baby food! Woo hoo!