Sunday, October 4, 2009

trip to the farm

Last night we went to Russell Farms in Noblesville with my parents & it was so fun! My parents live in an "active 55+" neighborhood, and the community does so many activities, you practically have to make an appointment to see my parents! It's awesome! So, Britton Falls sponsored this night for grandkids and we were excited to go! (My camera battery died so these are all iPhone photos -- not bad!!!) :)

We did the corn maze...

We had to find all 3 buckets...

And Sammi collected one seed from each bucket so that she could claim a prize at the end.

Sammi got to paint a pumpkin while Natalie tried to eat one! :)

We saw lots of farm animals...

Rode on a "tractor". They actually did have a hay-ride but it was COLD in Indiana (40ish) so we skipped it this time!

We dug in the sand...

Natalie stayed happily bundled in her stroller for much of the cold evening!

We ended the night with a bon fire to roast marshmallows!

Sammi's favorite part of the night! Smores!!!! (Or maybe that was mommy & daddy's favorite part!)
Happy fall!!!! It's officially here and we can feel it in the air in good ol' Indiana!!! Our heater has been on at night and we've pulled all of our hats, scarves, and mittens out too! Thanks mom & dad for treating us to our first true fall activity this year!

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