Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the big day is finally here...

In an hour and a half, it will be THE DAY we find out: GIRL OR BOY!!! So, in 7 hours we will get up, get ready, get Sammi up and ready for school, take her to school, and get to Carmel for our Ultrasound and doctor's appointment by 8:30. HOWEVER---we will not actually know whether we are having a girl or boy until the afternoon. We decided that we wanted to have the U/S tech put the gender of the baby in an envelope for us and open it at a nice lunch out together. Lunch versus dinner because 1. I can't wait that long and 2. Sam will be in school for lunch which makes for a less chaotic time to open the news. :)

Right after our appointment we have a construction meeting at the new studio followed by a technical meeting with the phone/data guys, so AFTER that we will be going to The Cheesecake Factory to open our news and celebrate together. :) :) :) I CAN'T WAIT!!! The Cheesecake Factory is special to us because it is where we had our first date and also where I took Dan to tell him I was pregnant with Samantha. And---we just LOVE the food! YUM!

I don't know if I will be able to give up the opportunity to see the "parts" that determine the gender (proof, please!!!) so I am hoping the U/S tech will be kind enough to include an U/S photo in our envelope too. :)

We'll be posting our news tomorrow afternoon!!! PLEASE PRAY FOR US THAT WE HAVE A HEALTHY BABY!!!! It is truly the only thing we really care about!!! Much love & hugs to you all!!!


Jackie said...

We are thinking of you both!!! We are praying for a healthy baby and we cannot wait to hear if it is a girl or a boy - - although one of each would be great! Ha, ha!!! I will be on "blog watch" ALL day today!!!!

Jennifer, Eric, Isaiah, and Noah Heuer said...

Anxiously awaiting your news and praying for you!