Monday, December 22, 2008

christmas cookies

We wanted to do something special for Sammi's teachers for Christmas, and decided it would be a fun project to make them cookies so that Sam could help decorate them. It was so fun!!! But, her teachers will be very glad to know that the cookies they are actually getting tomorrow were not handled by Sammi's hands!!!! :) 

We put all of the decorating supplies out while I was still mixing the icing, which meant that Sammi immediately jumped into the mini M&Ms! She was allowed to have a few of her own in her cup. 
But that didn't stop her from getting more, more, more!!!
Mmmmm... sugar is goooood...
Mommy and daddy took turns helping her with the icing and sprinkles...
But each cookie became un-givable because she kept licking her fingers and eating the toppings!
Boy, she had a good time though!
After Sammi went to bed, we finished the cookies that got packaged as gifts! :)
They actually turned out cute and they're really tasty too! (I mean....not that we would know!) We saved a few for Santa too. :) I don't think he'll mind if they're a couple of days old.

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