Friday, December 26, 2008

christmas with the shermans

We spent Christmas evening at my parents' house...but not until after we all took a little nap!!!
My brother, Jordie, and his wife, Ashley, were running late, so we had plenty of time to lounge around before getting started with Christmas activities! Sammi loves watching Jungle Book with grandpa! 
Grandma and grandpa's house is special because Sammi is allowed to (and encouraged to) jump on their bed! :) That's what grandmas and grandpas are break all the rules! :) They play "1, 2, 3", where they swing her in a blanket and toss her into the bed. She loves it!!! (Note the first photo above too.) :)

Sammi was also allowed to open a few presents while we waited. Her first one was a toaster, which she loved and cheered for each time the toast was done! 
She opened a few My Little Ponies too!
As soon as Jordie and Ashley arrived we ate a fabulous dinner! Of course, the only thing Sam would eat was fruit.....she is such a finicky eater!!!!!
Then it was present time again. :) Sammi got this cute Christmas blanket from J & A and immediately dropped to the floor and asked to be covered up by it!
She also got this My Little Pony that talks and crawls. She LOVES it!

She got lots of stuff from grandma and grandpa, including a kitchen set packed with dishes, food, and a shopping cart!
She certainly was worn out by the end of the evening! We put her to bed so that we could play some games before heading home. 
Thanks so much, mom and dad, for having us over! We really enjoyed seeing you and spending Christmas with you! MERRY CHRISTMAS, Mom, Dad, Jordie, and Ashley!

1 comment:

Erin said...

looks like so much fun. she is such a little cutie. i know you are SO VERY ready. Any day now!! Best of luck to you all. you have a beautiful family - so SLS will only add more beauty!!!