Thursday, December 25, 2008

christmas morning at home

We came back from Fort Wayne late last night--but that didn't stop Sammi from coming in to see us at 7:00 this morning!!! :) We started the morning with some Christmas cartoons in bed, then headed downstairs to make hash brown casserole, fruit smoothies, and leftover chocolate croissants from Fort Wayne (like I really needed to eat another one)! :)

Although she doesn't really get the whole concept of Santa yet, it turns out that she is at a perfect age to unwrap presents! She understood what presents were, was so excited to open each one, but isn't into that greedy age yet where she just jumps from present to present. :) She wanted to play with every single gift after she opened it and we had to entice her to move on to another one each time! :) 
We (finally) decided to do a few small gifts for Christmas this year and are thinking about one larger gift for her birthday. She loved them all! Another thing about this age... we could have wrapped up cardboard boxes and she would have loved them all! :)

Mommy helped her open her Mickey Mouse books, but she did a great job with the wrapping paper herself!
Daddy helped her open a few too...
Her Dora bouncy ball was a favorite!
She and daddy played a lot of toss and keep-away this morning!
She's getting really good at throwing!
Daddy thought it would be funny to make Sammi look like mommy with her Dora ball in her shirt!!!  :)
Mommy had fun playing too.
Daddy is good at drawing elephants so Sammi wanted him to draw one for her in her new MagnaDoodle. 
We had a wonderful, calm, fun, sweet morning with Sammi and now we're ALL going to go take a nap before heading to Grandma and Grandpa Sherman's house this afternoon!!! :) And, for those who know me well, you'll be happy to know that I am officially over the fact that I didn't get up the energy to do all of the holiday decorating this year as usual! Having my family with me truly is all that matters!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS, SAMMI AND DANNY! I LOVE YOU!

(And a fun fact...our Christmas tree is full of ornaments from Dan's childhood, which his mom sent down to us to keep recently. He put them on the tree late last night since we still hadn't gotten all of my boxes of ornaments down from the attic!!! It was so cute and just perfect!)

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