Tuesday, December 9, 2008

quick update

Turns out, although the cake was a very bad idea, Sammi did have a stomach bug! Eek---we were up all night with her Sunday too and then she slept great last night while Dan and I were both up all night, both very sick!!! Turns out my dad was also up all night sick...I'M SO SORRY, DAD! 

On a positive note, Sammi LOVES her big girl room and bed and I cannot believe what an easy transition it was!!! This morning Dan and I were like zombies in our bed and she played in her room quietly for 2 hours while we tried to recover! 

We've done about 25 loads of laundry over the last 3 days and yet it was only to keep up with the illness in our house, yuck! I'm trying not to be overwhelmed with thoughts of cleaning and errands before the holidays!!! Christmas is in 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm trying to keep in perspective what Christmas is really about and that certainly calms my nerves about getting "stuff" done. :)


Mama J said...

Hope you all start to feel better soon :) xoxo

Katie said...

Oh I've been there and it is so not fun. I'm glad you guys are feeling better.